Oil on 24" x 30" Raw Linen (gallery stretched and float framed), 2021
This abstract painting is inspired by meditations on the subject of reconciliation. Each design element intentionally addresses the subject of reconciliation between two individuals, entities, or groups. As usual, rather than explicate it for you I prefer to invite each viewer to explore for themselves with only the title to provide context.
What does it say to you?

The painting will debut at First Studio Gallery along with three other paintings and twenty-one photographs for Abstracted Realities, on display December 2021 thru January 2022. The show features abstract painted and photographic works by myself, Barbara Kemp Cowlin, and Indigo.

As always, thank you for looking with me!
Feel free to share your contemplative experience(s) with this piece in the comments below

May we all strive to be better peacemakers and agents of reconciliation